EVO G2 Grau
38,00 €
{Technical Specs}
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What is the difference between EVO G2 and EVO G3?
The EVO G2 have soft cups and solid colors. The EVO G3 have hard cups and transparent colors. There are a few exceptions. Both models have the same design. In Europe, the G2 are recomended. In cold weather, the soft cups are more durable. In Asia, the G3 is popular because in warm and humid weather, hard cups perform better.
Can I order a single diabolo cup?
Yes, single Evo cups in soft or hard are available on the site. Ordering a single diabolo cup for other models is only possible via mail for now. The price for a single cup is 14€. Although it is not yet available on the website, you can send an inquiry to info@diabolofocus.com
Is my diabolo under warranty?
There is no warranty on the Sundia products. You are responsible of any damages after use. However, in the unlikely event your diabolo breaks shortly after a purchase, we will replace it free of charge.
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